The exploration of Hellenic Center for the Marine Research of the underwater fountains of Peloponnisos and the discovery of the fountain in Stoupa, which is competent to supply with water the wider area. This precious water vanishes in the sea… What can we do to use it?
For the first main mission of HCMR an eighteen-member team is formed, constituted by scientists, divers and remote- controlled underwater robot operators, in order to estimate the quality and quantity of fresh water that gushes out. To accomplish it, several divings are taking place and special equipment is used, such as the specialised radon counter (aka “Katerina”) and salinity refractometers.
Exclusive video 1
Underwater activities in Stoupa Peloponnese
Dive along with us down the underwater fresh water fountain of Stoupa.
Εxclusive video 2
Mission Water - Location Leonidio Kynourias
HCMR visits Leonidio to take samples of the fresh water fountains of the area.
Exclusive video 3
Mission Water - Location Korfos
The first exploration of the underwater fountains of Korfos, Korinthos.
Exclusive video 4
New diving in Korfos
The second visit to Korfos provides HCMR scientists with new evidence.